For business

your development partner

BENEFITS of partnership

  • Provision of QUALIFIED STAFF for personalised needs
  • Greater EFFECTIVENESS in the socio-economic environment of the Pomeranian region
  • SUPPORT at every stage of the project
Here we present a promotional video, illustrating our potential and commitment to the offshore industry. We encourage you to take a look.

PDF File (7 MB)

WE ARE A LEADER in the marine-related activities and research



  • We conduct multifaceted, specialised research, carried out by world-class scientists using the state-of-the-art equipment
  • Our maritime acumen and reputation are built on excellent research stations of international repute
  • As the only Polish university we have at our disposal a modern research vessel: r/v Oceanograf
  • We have experience in the area of implementing international maritime projects in partnership with other universities, institutions and businesses
  • We are a part of the elite SEA-EU European alliance of coastal universities, whose main mission is to work closely with businesses, local authorities, academics and researchers to develop solutions that meet the challenges of sustainable economic development, also in maritime areas
  • We plan to create an energy transition support centre with a research and education facility
  • We have established the Maritime Research Centre, which actively promotes and supports the development of all areas of the maritime economy in a comprehensive manner using available knowledge and databases, and cooperates in this respect with economic operators, governmental, and non-governmental institutions of the maritime sector

We carry out numerous projects in the maritime field

UNIVERSITY OF GDAŃSK IS THE BIGGEST UNIVERSITY IN POMORSKIE REGION with a broad educational offer that meets the needs of businesses and institutions in the OWE sector

Human resources training

We are ready to educate personnel for offshore wind energy within the framework of NEW DEDICATED COURSES RELATED DO THE INDUSTRY

  • We provide dedicated offshore wind energy education paths
  • We offer studies at all levels of education with a curriculum that is complementary to those offered by other Pomeranian universities
  • We train specialised staff with high competence and practical skills, based on internships, conducted in cooperation with the business environment
  • We are open to the changing world of science and business, which is why we wisely and responsibly develop our training offer, that is also being continuously adapted to the needs of the economy and the labour market, including offshore industry

WE STRATEGISE cooperation with the regional community and offshore wind energy stakeholders

Socio-economic cooperation

WE ARE A PARTNER in the discussions and actions in favour of OWE at regional, national and global level

  • We are a signatory to the Polish Offshore Wind Sector Deal, which aims to develop offshore wind energy in Poland, based on maximising the participation of Polish entrepreneurs in the supply chain for offshore wind farms built in the Polish exclusive economic zone
  • We have representation within the Coordinating Council of the Ministry of Climate and Environment, in the working group responsible for Public Education
  • We are a member of the Pomeranian Platform for Offshore Wind Energy Development in the Baltic Sea, which already has more than 100 signatories from the local government, research and business communities in the wind energy and offshore sectors
  • We are part of the Council for the Offshore Innovation, whose tasks includes harnessing local R&D potential in a dialogue with offshore investors and employers
  • We are chairing a group for The Sustainable Management of the Baltic Sea, one of whose main tasks is to engage regional and local actors in the sustainable management of the sea
  • We are part of the local community, we understand and respond to its needs, we know how to conduct dialogue, as well as public awareness and education activities highlighting the importance of the sector in the energy transition process

We are a VALUABLE BUSINESS PARTNER, also from the point of view of the NEW TAXOMY RATINGS – Regulation (EU) 2020/852 of the European Parliament
and of the Council of 18 June 2020 on establishing a framework to facilitate sustainable investments

Project support

We have a broad POTENTIAL of competence and experience that is extremely valuable to the business at every stage of a project in the OWE sector

  • Legal expertise and advice
  • Pre-investment and post-investment environmental studies
  • Support of the International Centre for Quantum Technologies on e.g., cyber security
  • Economic and managerial supportWe offer e.g.:
  • Support for the planning and implementation of the offshore projects

in the effective implementation of offshore wind energy projects

Contact us.

Cooperation and Development Office

Director: Monika Adamczuk
Tel: +48 58 523 25 00
Mob: +48 725 991 071

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