- Dr Aleksandra Brodecka-Goluch talks about the 2022 research cruise to Cádiz
- Shipowners of Polish research vessels are strengthening cooperation (PL)
- Protection of Baltic Sea waters, ecological challenges, but also military security. (
- New Investments in the Baltic Sea? Let’s watch out for the relics
- 35 mm from the sea – second part of a SEA-EU cruise throught the eyes of a photographer
- Oceanograf returned home
- SEA-EU Day. Summary and future of the alliance
- First two legs of the voyage – 90% of the plan completed
- SEA-EU cruise – education, learning and above all cooperation
- Welcoming of the r/v Oceanographer in brest – report
- Three SEA-EU cruise projects. Conversation with prof. Adam Sokołowski, coordinator of the scientific committee of the voyage
- Cau students on board the Oceanograf. Research in eckernförde bay
- RV Ocenograf left Kiel port. New researchers on board
- The UG authorities visited the oceograf. Oceograf in the german media
- Kiel stop. Press conference and proceedings of the SEA-EU board of directors
- Follow the progress of our researchers. New cruise page feature
- The first stage of the international SEA-EU cruise is almost over!
- The University of Gdańsk ship R / V Oceanograf has set off for Spain
- What’s our ship? Meet the Oceanographer – the most advanced research unit in Europe
- SEA EU research cruise – we’re off soon.
- BaltArctic Research Cruise
- Oceanograf- a modern science and research vessel of the University of Gdańsk
- When fresh water from the Vistula River -08/02/2025 meets salty water from the Baltic Sea. See it from a bird’s eye view
- University of Gdańsk ship R / V Oceanograf on the way to Cadiz
- Oceanograf SEA-EU part 1
- End of the SEA-EU cruise
- Signing of the agreement between the University of Gdańsk and the University of Klaipeda